Parkton Woodland Services Inc. is a full service forest consulting company. Parkton specializes in timber sale administration, timber appraisal, tree planting and management plan preparation. Since 1981 Parkton has been involved in the sale of over 40 million board feet of timber and planted over 1,000,000 trees. Bill Bond, a degreed forester with 28 years of experience working with landowners, oversees all of the work. Based in Myersville, Maryland, Parkton covers central and western Maryland, southern Pennsylvania, northern Virginia and the eastern panhandle counties of West Virginia.
Most woodlands are not managed. Good forest management maximizes the benefits of a woodland to its owner. Such management requires careful planning, expert judgement, knowledge of forest products markets, and a commitment to the landowner’s interests. Experience is crucial in our business.
The Mid Atlantic region grows hardwood timber of unsurpassed quality.

Aesthetics is a primary concern for many woodland owners.

We have more forest land than ever thanks to sound management and the reversion of old farms to timber.
Concentration yard on a helicopter logging operation.
Well managed forests preserve water quality.